Thursday, May 24, 2007

#9 Changes in understanding

The changes that I have noticed in my understanding is that with a little instruction web design and blogging is not hard at all. I feel confident that I could teach another person how to create their own website.

The website that I developed is allowing me to get more information to my students and to become a better communicator with their parents.

I have found a lot of instructional tools that the web has to offer and that has made taking the class very worth while.

Commented on Krystle's Blog.
Commented on Laura's Blog

# 8 learning by doing

This class has been great at making me do things that I would not normally be comfortable doing. I am right brain person that needs everything laid out for me. Not having everything put in front of me has caused me to really get my hands dirty.

As far as my students are concerned, I plan on using some discovery methods of teaching to get them to grasp some concepts and information that I am trying to get across.

The most rewarding part of the class has been the pod casting that I am currently trying to incorporate into my classroom.

As far as other teachers are concerned I have let them know about a few podcast that are available to educators.

Commented on Scott's blog and Jeff's blog.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

#7 Video

Video really helps inhance websites if used properly. For some sites it is a nesccesity, which is the case for two of the three sites that I selected today.

The first site is brainstorm media's site. This is a media company that I use to make videos for my program at school. They also make commercials and promotional videos for companies. The video helps give prospective customers an idea of what they have to offer.

The second site is PETA's site. The video that PETA uses is meant to make people see their side of a controversial issue. They really try to pull at peoples hearts and distort information using video. It works really well for this group.

Finally the CBS website puts a lot of video on their site that really pulls you in and makes you want to check out different links that it is offering.

Overall video helps draw people in and makes most sites better and more interesting.

Commented on Krystle's Blog.

Commented on Laura's Blog

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

#6 Podcasts

I allready had iTunes downloaded on my compter before I started this assignment. I like to checkout different podcast for personal and proffessional uses. The three podcasts that I use proffessionally are the Team Ag Ed Podcast, World Vision Report Podcast, and the FFA Podcast.

The Team Ag Ed Podcast is one that is used primarally for agricultural education instructors. The podcast are a variety of seminars and workshops that are available through Team Ag Ed that deal with instructional materials, teaching styles, and inform instructors of resources that are available.

World Vision Report has a podcast that gives up to date information that relates to the agricltural community. This information really helps in keeping me on top of issues that I use in my ag-business class that I teach.

The last proffessionaly used podcast that I will discuss is the FFA podcast were state FFA officers speak on leadership. Leadership training is an important part of my curriculum and I let the students check these out in class when we cover leaderhip training.

On the personal side of things there are two podcasts that I subscribe to that I find great. They are Marshill Church in Seattle, were pastor Mark Driscoll puts his weakly sermons on line. The second is Marshill Bible church were pastor Rod Bell does the same thing. These are great for me because I also teach an adult sunday school class. I find the topics that they preach on to be great ideas for me.

Commented on Scott's and Tia's Blog.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

# 5 Account on

I finally learned how to make my account on and I am hoping to be able to lean how to link is with the links section of my blog. I am a little past the due date of Wednesday morning, but this is due to the fact that I am using dial up to complete this assignment. This has not been the smartest thing I have done, but I wanted the tag on my home computer.

I hope all of you that link to my site find the blogs interesting that I find interesting. The two blogs I look at and find interesting are by Christian leaders Mark Driscoll and John Piper. Take a few moments to check them out.

The websites I have posted are agriculturally related and help a great deal in keeping me on top of issues in the industry that I am teaching.

If I do not get the linked up correctly, just click here.

Commented on Tia's blog.
Commented on Scott's blog.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The first thing that I thought of when I started looking into the concept of fair use was copyright. It turns out that copyright and fair use are two different things. does a good job of laying out what some of the differences are and how to determine if it is fair use or a copyright infringement.

The main differences lay in the purpose of what you are trying to accomplish. The purpose of what you are doing must not be commercial in purpose. Fair use allows people to use copyrighted work for non-profit purposed without getting permission.

From my research though, it seems that nobody seems to have a clear picture of what fair use is. One website, which I am unsure how to title, gives people a better understanding of what fair use is. This site is, and it explains some of the struggles that people have in understanding the law.

The most important thing that people can do is site the images and work that they use.

Creative Commons licensing allows you to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt work as long as you are noncommercial, attribute your work, and share alike.

Overall I had trouble finding alternative copyrights. I am sure they are out there and I probably use them a lot. For the most part I am sure that I am just ignorant to what they are.

Commented on Scott's blog and Jeff's blog.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

# 3 Website Plan

My Website Plan

The website that I will be designing will be for the Northeastern FFA chapter that I am advisor of for our school district. The site will assist me in communicating with parents, students, and other FFA advisers. This site will also be linked the Northeastern High School site.

I would like the site to give information that would help students get results from competitions as soon as they are posted. I would also like the site to have important dates listed that the students need so that they could keep on top of deadlines for shows and events. I feel that this would make me more efficient, as I would spend less time on the phone with students and parents giving updates.

The site needs to give updates to our booster organization listing meetings and events. I hope that this would cut down on the letters that I send home to parents letting them know of meeting dates and activities that they have planned.

The overall feel of the site should promote what the students do in and out of the classroom. I would like there to be pictures of the students doing work and competing in competitions.

The colors should reflect the colors of FFA, which are Blue and Gold.

I would also like the FFA emblem on the home page with a hyper link to the Ohio FFA site.

I already have a start on the site. It was set up by our tech aid at the school. The password and address were given to me so that I could start working on it. I will try to do all of this with Frontpage, because this is what I have on my computer at home and at school. I am open to ideas and any creative things that I can do to make the site better.

Some of the concerns I have are associated with the things that I am allowed to put on the web, such as students pictures or copyrighted music.

Commented on Krystle's Blog.

Commented on Laura's Blog